Microsoft Surface 3DM Benchmark

Check your Surface benchmarking and how it can handle games on the market today.

Can Surface run TES:Skyrim?

Find out the settings on the video tutorial here.

Can the Microsoft Surface Pro Run Sim City?

With a tablet form factor and laptop internals, Microsoft's Surface Pro is capable of running more than just lightweight apps, it can play full PC games. While hardly a graphical powerhouse, its Intel HD 4000 processor is more than enough to run a generous array of games.
Despite running a full build of Windows 8, the current public release of EA's Origin software does not support the Surface Pro. Users have flocked to the company's forums with complaints of receiving an error message whenever trying to run Origin games on their Surface Pro. Fortunately, developers are already on the case but in the meantime, they're asking Surface Pro users to install a beta build of a forthcoming update to get players online sooner rather than later. If you're a Surface Pro owner, you can read more about the issue and download the updated client here. With the Origin beta installed, all you'll otherwise need to get started is roughly 10GB of available storage — which can be in short supply depending on which Surface Pro model you own.

As we mentioned, the Surface Pro is not intended to be a gaming machine, so you'll have to level your expectations accordingly. In order to maintain a solid 30 frames-per-second, Sim City's graphics settings need to be as follows:
  • Resolution: 1280x720 60Hz
  • Lighting: Low
  • Textures: Low
  • Shadows: Low
  • Geometry: Low
  • Animation Detail: Low
  • Tilt-Shift: Less
  • Anti-aliasing: Off
  • V-Sync: Off
While certain settings can be raised, we've found that those listed above is the 'sweet spot' for keeping performance stable, especially as cities expand and action events, like natural disasters, kick in. We also recommending using the game's built-in framerate capping tool. While the settings above can offer higher framerates, performance can vary rapidly during a game.

Surface Pro mouse cursor unresponsive and drift

How to Fix Mouse Issue with full-screen games on Surface Pro
The Surface Pro desktop actually running by default at 150% dpi and it may be caused by Direct X. Smiply open the game settings and setup on low settings. Here is EpicReviewsTech’s method from youtube.

Skyrim on Microsoft Surface Pro

video courtesy of : gizmomashify

Another video of gaming on the Surface Pro WIndows 8 tablet. The game is pretty playable on low settings -- about 24fps constant with some pockets that dip to 12fps briefly. The game looks really nice on high settings but it's unfortunate that it becomes pretty unplayable and choppy in certain areas

Personally, the surface pro isn't the best platform to play Skyrim on, but for a tablet that can play Skyrim, it's not doing too bad of a job.

Microsoft Surface RT - Gaming Review

Gaming on the Surface RT ranging from light games like Angry Birds Space and Cut the Rope to more intensive Xbox Controller driven gaming like Rocket Riot 3D.

Video courtesy from : MyWorldOfIT

Microsoft Surface Benchmark

PC Gaming on Microsoft Surface Pro with Steam

Video courtesy of booredatwork

 Using Steam on Windows Surface

Microsoft Surface Pro Gaming Demo

A quick demo of Team Fortress 2 Gameplay on Surface Pro.
video courtesy of TheDigitalDigest